Tom Struyf

Tom Struyf is a theatremaker, writer and landscape designer. His performances are a cross between theatre, film, documentary and lecture performance. Over the years, this combination has become a regularly recurring form for him. A form that is apt to the stories he seeks to share and which serves as an effective starting point for the journeys he takes his audiences on. Tom has a unique knack for distilling art from chance. His performances are always rooted in a personal fascination – a place, a person, or a group of people – and often touch on societal topics. This makes his shows relatable and accessible to a wide audience.

In his way of working, Tom feels like a journalist, anthropologist and storyteller all at once. He calls reality into question based on the observation of a world in which fiction and reality are becoming increasingly difficult to tell apart. Tom takes his time – years – for every new project. Ideally, he likes to work in a remote place surrounded by nature, where he can stare out into the landscape for miles.

Tom Struyf will reprise Finding Willard in both the 2023–2024 and the 2024–2025 seasons.

More information can be found here.

calendar Finding Willard

10/10/24 - 20:15u Finding Willard // Tom Struyf CC De Werft - Geel
11/10/24 - 19:30u Finding Willard // Tom Struyf Theatergarage / zaal Paroza - Borgerhout
12/10/24 - 19:30u Finding Willard // Tom Struyf Theatergarage / zaal Paroza - Borgerhout
15/10/24 - 20:00u Finding Willard // Tom Struyf Grenzelos Kultur Mainz